Things Still Go Bump in the Night by Author Randy Overbeck September 12th 6:30 - 8:00 Pm at Promont House Have you ever wondered if ghosts were real? Do most people really believe in ghosts? In this interactive and multi-media presentation, Dr. Overbeck will address these and other questions about the spirit world. Based on the extensive […]
Come up to Promont or call in with any questions about the Historical Society and Promont. Want to know what we are all about, or what we will be doing […]
March Good Night, Irene Luis Alberto Urrea In 1943, Irene Woodward abandons an abusive fiancé in New York to enlist with the Red Cross and head to Europe. She makes […]
The Resilient Woman: An International Women’s Day Celebration Calling all women of vision! Join Activate Brain & Body Fitness as we celebrate International Women’s Day with an inspiring evening […]